In 2002 Charles Farrar was convicted of several counts of sexual assault on a minor. The victim, his daughter, Sacha, accused him and her mother of “forcing her into sexual encounters from the age of eleven until she was fifteen,” according to Westword. Now nine years into his sentence, Farrar is appealing on the basis of inadequate representation and prosecutorial misconduct. [Read more…]
Potential Colorado Hate Crime Bill Expansion
Passed through the Senate Finance Committee and now on to the Senate Appropriations Committee, a bill that would expand the Colorado hate crimes law may be on its way to the floor of the legislature if some get their way. The bill seeks to include “homeless people” amongst those populations protected by the law, an expansion that many find to be overreaching. [Read more…]
Colorado Considers Telling Judges Price Tags on Imprisonment
Recently, the New York Times profiled a new practice within the Missouri criminal courts. Judges are being told just how much incarceration will cost at the sentencing stage. Now, Colorado’s Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice is toying with implementing the practice here, something that not everyone approves of. [Read more…]