When voters of Colorado supported legalization last November, many likely knew it would be a while before the framework and specifics were in place. Many probably didn’t care. But, as the legislation travels through the legal processes, many changes are being made as the regulations that will govern just how the marijuana market will function are drafted, changed, and changed again. [Read more…]
Colorado Marijuana Task Force Issues Recommendations
It’s been a hectic last few months as committees and task forces have had their nose to the grindstone in developing regulatory recommendations for the control of newly legalized recreational marijuana. It’s taken them 80 days in all to come up with their list of proposed rules. Now the issues will go before lawmakers for another round of debate, critique, and no-doubt changes. [Read more…]
Colorado Voters Legalize Marijuana!
Colorado voters have spoken resoundingly in support of the legalization of marijuana, creating a precedent for other states to follow suit in coming years, or for a nation of smokers to converge upon the mountainous state. Cue the jokes on getting a “Rocky Mountain high”. [Read more…]
Colorado Favors Marijuana Legalization
A new poll indicates that unless things change in coming months, Coloradoans could be the first to legalize possession of marijuana. According to the Denver Post, Amendment 64 has the support of 51 percent of voters surveyed, compared with only 40 percent opposed. [Read more…]
Colorado Marijuana Legalization Goes To Voters
The Colorado Secretary of State’s office recently announced that marijuana legalization advocates recently reached their goal in getting enough signatures to put legalization on the state’s November ballot. This means, come November, the people of Colorado will have the opportunity to decide if pot should be legal. [Read more…]
Aurora Colorado Man Visited By Cops After Pizza Guy Smells Pot
An Aurora Colorado man got a lot more than a pizza last week when he called Papa John’s. He got a visit from the police, who were there to check on the welfare of the man’s 9 year old daughter. The welfare-check was done because the pizza delivery man who came to drop off dinner smelled marijuana and was concerned the man had been smoking in front of the child. [Read more…]
Colorado Legislation Proposes Easing Up on Drug Crimes
Colorado lawmakers are trying to pass reform that will encourage treatment rather than hard time for low level, non violent drug offenses.
Currently, if you are caught with 8 ounces of marijuana, you face felony charges and up to 6 years in prison. Under new proposed legislation, this penalty (and others like it) would be cut to a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 18 months. [Read more…]