It’s been a hectic last few months as committees and task forces have had their nose to the grindstone in developing regulatory recommendations for the control of newly legalized recreational marijuana. It’s taken them 80 days in all to come up with their list of proposed rules. Now the issues will go before lawmakers for another round of debate, critique, and no-doubt changes. [Read more…]
Colorado Voters Legalize Marijuana!
Colorado voters have spoken resoundingly in support of the legalization of marijuana, creating a precedent for other states to follow suit in coming years, or for a nation of smokers to converge upon the mountainous state. Cue the jokes on getting a “Rocky Mountain high”. [Read more…]
Possible Prostitution Law Changes In Colorado
Right now if you were to be stopped by the police for solicitation of a prostitute, you would be fined $75. This is less than the fine for littering. Lawmakers in Colorado are trying to change this imbalance by increasing penalties for prostitution customers, more commonly known as “johns”. [Read more…]
Colorado Law Changes Favor Rehabilitation/Treatment
Like many states, Colorado is taking steps to ease prison sentences and lighten the budgetary burden. According to the Denver Post, Governor Ritter is signing several bills into law today that will focus more on rehabilitation and treatment, freeing up estimated millions typically spent on incarceration. [Read more…]