We all know what a jury trial looks like. For those who haven’t seen one in person, you’ve likely seen one depicted on television. In all reality, jury trials are far more common on television than they are in the Colorado criminal courts. Though citizens are guaranteed the right to a jury trial—few ever invoke that right. [Read more…]
Man, Convicted of Sexual Abuse and Sentenced to 145 Years, Appeals
In 2002 Charles Farrar was convicted of several counts of sexual assault on a minor. The victim, his daughter, Sacha, accused him and her mother of “forcing her into sexual encounters from the age of eleven until she was fifteen,” according to Westword. Now nine years into his sentence, Farrar is appealing on the basis of inadequate representation and prosecutorial misconduct. [Read more…]
Tragic Case Highlights Issues with Plea Agreements
A several-time felon who had received multiple second chances is now charged with first degree murder in the death and mutilation of his sixteen year old neighbor girl. The Denver Post is reporting his case is an example on how budgetary constraints are forcing courts to release dangerous individuals who would be best served behind bars. While this may be true in this particular case, one shouldn’t forget that such tragedies are extremely rare. [Read more…]
Colorado Voters Reject Tougher Bail Standards
Of the many issues before voters yesterday, Proposition 102 was just one that was struck down. But it was an important victory and evidence that the voting public won’t be fooled by “tough on crime” rhetoric when it’s carelessly used to sell a standard that’s too far off the course of true justice. [Read more…]
Colorado Considers Telling Judges Price Tags on Imprisonment
Recently, the New York Times profiled a new practice within the Missouri criminal courts. Judges are being told just how much incarceration will cost at the sentencing stage. Now, Colorado’s Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice is toying with implementing the practice here, something that not everyone approves of. [Read more…]
Colorado DUI District Court Now In Session
The eighth judicial district has a new court dedicated specifically to DUI cases. The Larimer County based court started taking cases July 1 and comes on the heels of a fairly successful drug court in the same district. The system is recognizing the effectiveness of specialized courts in cases where alcohol and drug abuse are a central factor. [Read more…]