There are several strange stories this week of thefts within Colorado. Not your normal convenience store shoplifters, these thefts are all a little on the strange or at least unusual side. They just go to show that not all criminal offenses are cut and dry, there are unusual circumstances present in nearly every case.
The first case involves a theft at the South Suburban Ice Arena in Centennial. Two men, seen in photos here, are accused of taking a man’s keys out of his locker, using them to gain entry into his vehicle, and stealing his wallet and iPod. The victim’s credit cards were later used at several stores to purchase gift cards.
In another story, also covered by the Post, Boulder Police are on the lookout for a man who attempted to cash in stolen lottery tickets. While we all want to hit the big one stolen lottery tickets are not the brightest way to get there.Review Android Smartphone
Apparently the tickets in question were stolen when the store was closed on the night of November 27th. He tried cashing the winners several days later and can be seen in surveillance photos from the various stores he made his attempts at.
Lastly, the Lakewood Hospice center is seeking help in finding those responsible for stealing a valuable crucifix. The item is valued at $12,000 and was stolen from the chapel wall. It is made of a wooden cross and a bronze Jesus sculpted by Lynn Kircher.
All of these theft crimes are considered serious offenses. The exact charge that the defendants could face if apprehended depend on the value of the property stolen. In the case of the stolen crucifix the thief could face Class 4 felony charges and a potential 2 to 6 years in prison.
Whether it was a simple shoplifting or an elaborate scheme, theft charges have the potential to change your life.
If you are facing charges like these, contact our attorneys. Together we can determine the best course of action for your case, ensuring that you get the best possible results on your day in court.