It’s no secret that the sentence you face for a DUI charge depends on the judge who hears your case. There has always been an aspect of discretion when you go to court, but this report from the Denver Post reveals just how big of a difference the judge assigned to your case can make.
The Colorado DUI law on the books states for a 2nd offense DUI, you will serve at least 10 day in jail and up to 1 year. However, because another law allows judges to impose alternative sentencing, they grey area of what you will actually end up serving is widened.
From the fines you are ordered to pay to the jail term you have to serve, being assigned the right judge or getting pulled over in the right county can make all the difference in the world to your DUI case. For instance, Judge Murray sentenced 411 out of 420 repeat offenders to jail in a four year study.
If you go before her for a third DUI offense, it is very likely you will serve the maximum one year in jail.
The fact is, alternatives exist and depending not only on your judge, but your cases specific circumstances, you could be allowed to serve your sentence while in your own home, abiding by curfews and house arrest terms.
Even a first time DUI carries a potential jail term. For your first DUI conviction you face a potential 5 days to one year in jail. In addition, you will serve community service, pay fines, and lose your license for a period of time.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
Colorado, as a whole, takes drunk driving incidences very seriously. While your chances of getting a get out of jail free card may be increased depending on who is on the bench, you will have some repercussions and they aren’t at all good.
If you are facing a DUI charge you want to ensure you choose the right defense attorney who is ready to work diligently on your case. Call me today and we can discuss the specifics of your charges and what they might mean to you.