Deep within the Colorado state Constitution and within the Denver Police Department’s policies lies a little known law designed to give preferential treatment to Legislators. In addition, the Constitution states that for no reason should a law maker be arrested in a way that would interfere with them working during session.
These interesting laws may seem absurd but won’t likely be changed at any time soon.
The DUI portion states that if a lawmaker is pulled over and suspected of DUI they should be cited for the offense that got them pulled over and nothing else. In addition to letting the law maker go without DUI charges, the officer is to arrange for transportation for the Legislator. The only exception to this is when the DUI caused an accident that resulted in injury or death.
This law is so interesting because everyday people are arrested for DUI in this great state. Police departments work hard to ensure drunk drivers aren’t on the road but are met with this directly contrary law when it comes to enforcing on our law makers.
According to this article from CBS4, the Denver City Attorney’s Office reviewed the policy and determined no changes were necessary since it was in line with what the Constitution states. So it looks like Legislators in Denver will continue to have this free pass, allowing them to drive in any condition they want.
Drunk drivers are not safe drivers, regardless of who they are or what their job entails. The people elected to make our laws should have to abide by them as well, all of them.
DUI charges can literally change your life. If convicted of a DUI you will likely serve jail time, pay fines, do community service, and you will lose your license. Imagine depending on others for transportation for a few months, or even a few years!
If you are facing a DUI and don’t have the luxury of being a state Legislator, call me today to discuss your case.