Sandra Lee Jacobson is not new to handcuffs or to criminal charges, but this is the first time she has been accused of causing someone’s death. In fact, Ms. Jacobson is accused of killing two women in a wreck that occurred on January 28th in Denver.
Looking as her record as displayed in this Denver Post article, one may wonder how she was still on the road. Her license, in fact was suspended and she should not have been driving that fateful morning. She was, however, and was reportedly intoxicated as well.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
Jacobson has had several brushes with the law and even been involved in a prior accident that causes serious injury to a Denver man. She had several incidences of speeding, reckless and careless driving, and DUI. She even has an outstanding charge of possession of a Tiger. The public is angry that this woman was not behind bars for her probation violations and was instead allowed to be out in the community.
On January 28th, Jacobson is accused of hitting a taxi on its way to the Denver airport. Two women, librarians, were ejected from the minivan and killed. Jacobson did not stop and was later found to have a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit.
Cases like this are tragic but not all that unusual. In a criminal justice system that busting at the seams, court calendars are loaded way beyond the breaking point and some cases fall through the holes. It is likely that Jacobson will have a hard road ahead of her with this latest case.
Criminal charges are difficult for anyone to face. When you face charges and feel like the world is against you, you need someone on your side, defending your interests. If you are currently facing criminal charges and in need of an experienced defense attorney, call me today.